Funeral in Ireland

2009 April 05

Created by Denise 15 years ago
A really beautiful day. We got to the church early to put out the service booklets. The church filled up with neighbours, Beth's school friends and family. This was the church where Beth was christened 71 years ago. It is a beautiful place just on the edge of a lake and surrounded by woods and fields. After the service the congregation lined up to shake hands with Beth's family. Refreshments were just down the road in Dartrey Hall where Beth would have gone to dances in her youth. Her cousin David Forster took a photo of the extended Mills family who attended. That evening we went back to the farm house where Beth was born and grew up to talk and have drinks with her brothers and nephews. The mood was surprisingly jolly and reminded me of many such evenings that Beth had when we were little, sitting in the kitchen with her family reminiscing about funny family events.
